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Mac’s Moments – Frugal Husband

Writer: Daniel MacPhersonDaniel MacPherson
Buying too much since 1994
The Frugal Husband

Hello to all,


I consider myself a frugal person. Tammy spells my capacity to find deals as c-h-e-a-p. The dictionary definition of frugal is “sparing or economical with regard to money or food.” I am the type of guy who looks for a bargain. This means sometimes I come home with an exceptionally large box, bottle, or other container of something we use around the house.


This frugality often pays for itself. Recently, we found GFS, a store that supplies commercial and residential clients, sold whole pork and beef rib loins. I bring them home, slice them into usable portions, wrap them into individual serving sizes, and freeze them until needed. This brings the price per pound to half that of buying the same cuts at the supermarket. I pat myself on the back for the significant savings and ingenuity.


However, there have been moments when my talent for finding extraordinary deals has caused discomfort in the house. For example, early in our marriage, I was tasked with buying cereal for the house. I came home with a rather large box and heard Tammy exclaim, “Where are we going to put that? It won’t fit on any shelf.” It took us a month of the two of us eating every morning to finish the box, and the last part was a little stale. The frugal husband failed to meet his family’s expectations.


Almost twenty years ago, Tammy sent her frugal husband for a salve from the drugstore to soothe our baby's sore bum. She mentioned getting the bigger bottle of pink goo. I found a two-ounce bottle, which she had bought before. Next to it was the four-ounce bottle at a slightly better price per ounce. Then I heard the angels singing as I spotted the 16-ounce bottle for half the cost per ounce. Ten years later, we found eighty percent of this oversized bottle in the back of the cupboard under the sink. I still hear about my frugal folly to this day.


After thirty years of marriage, Tammy learned to be specific when asking me to buy something without her direct supervision. I also learned that not all my frugal deals are worth bringing home to my wife. Many of my deals resulted in tremendous cost savings for our house with little effect on its operation. A few provided us with more than we required for a smooth running of the home or a lifetime of use. Thus, I speak to Tammy before pulling the trigger on my latest frugal cost-saving measure.


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God bless,

Danny Mac



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